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congeries - con-ge-ries 

noun: congeries; plural noun: congeries a collection: 

of ideas or objects, massed together for study, comparison, exhibition, sale or as a hobby.

Hand Crafted 
Gift Worthy
100% Unique

THE ART      

stained glass - concrete - paper - ink - paint - metal - wood - fabric

There are no boundaries involved in artistry of any kind; and we pride ourselves on exploring the limitless. Each piece is created from a seed of inspiration, the inclination to investigate and trial and error. Some pieces can be recreated methodically, while others will only ever be one of a kind. 


Evidence of stained glass art dates back as early as the 7th century. It is a classic form of artistry which often evokes feelings of nostalgia - it's ornate details and simplistic beauty offers comfort, love and light.

Like glass, the invention of concrete and usage dates back thousands of years. Another of many, natural substances of which we use to create timeless and lasting pieces of art.

The simplicity of paper, ink and paint can be mesmerizing and yet portray complex interpretations. Whether the design be complex in nature or elegantly simple these materials offer endless creation.

Metalworks has a long developmental history filled with an expansive array of uses. Whether it be an iron beam framing an incredible building, a trusty horse shoe or a delicate wire bringing life to a motherboard; metal in all its forms is yet another modality of creation and expression.

Wood in all it's form's always has a story to tell. This powerful resource often accompanies our creations, as there's no better compliment to a space then the calm it provides adorning ones home. 

Fabric, where does it end? Felt, cotton, silk, denim, lace, leather, whichever the selection; our experimentation sparks and drives more and more thoughtfully designed art pieces.

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